Fundamental Needs
Meeting fundamental needs refers to fostering well-being of the whole person and whole family (1); creating the physical space and time for residents to build community, to grow, to change (2); and, ensuring there is equal access to such a model, that barriers aren't created inadvertently (3).
How can well-being be fostered?
provide clinical + therapeutic supports
facilitate healthy living
create spaces that heal
create safe spaces
facilitate social connection
be proactive in providing support
How do we make space?
be guided by empathy
enable intergenerational living
focus on transitions + change where there is extra vulnerability + risk
enable autonomy
be flexible
support financial wellness

How do we make this equitable?
be accessible to all physical, mental and learning abilities
strive for diversity through intentionality
be democratic in who gets to decide + participate
remove systemic barriers

A sense of empowerment refers to offering choice so that individuals or households make their own decisions about how and where they live (4). It requires ensuring people have the confidence and power to make those decisions (5). This is created in part through fostering a sense of ownership: in place, community and home (6).
How do we offer choice?
give options
provide the tools so that people can avail of the options
How do we create a sense of ownership?
help people to feel like they belong
give people opportunities to invest in the community
create a place people can be proud of
encourage + facilitate participation

How do we build confidence?
make people feel valued
support people to build their capacity, skills, capabilities


Finally, the the model needs to be sustainable (financially, environmentally, and socially), which requires stability, in housing and impact (7). The community business model must be responsible to all stakeholders (inside the community and out) (8), and be open to innovate, enabling the model to evolve, change, adjust to various dynamic factors (9).

How do we provide stability?
provide stable housing
have a sustainable financial model

How can we be responsible?
make sure we are creating the intended impact
be a responsible business
constantly evaluate and do better

How might we innovate?
look for collaboration + partnerships
find the issues + do things differently